Greater Launceston - A UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy

Launceston has fantastic food and drink and is seeking global recognition as an internationally connected, creative, equitable and sustainable city.

The Creative Cities bid is gaining momentum as they move closer to submitting the application to UNESCO in June. Lynda McKay was employed in December 2020 using GRCC funding in a part-time capacity in conjunction with Fermentasmania to work on the bid. The GRCC funding will pay for her employment through until bid submission in June. Her role is to coordinate the application. To that end, the City of Launceston formalised their support for the bid at a Council meeting in December, 2020. The Creative Cities Steering Group has secured support from other regional councils as an important regional project that will give us a real sense of regional identity that we can project nationally and internationally with confidence and pride.

Achievements so far:
- they have the Facebook & Instagram profiles live

- they have the branding and communications plan

- they currently have the EOI open for projects, which closed 1 March.

- they will do an official launch after this, as we announce the project

- they have started connecting with more Creative Cities (starting with Bendigo) for the bid.


The Surf City Project